Our lab, the Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic at FSU, has recently received funding from the National Institute on Aging to study intervention techniques that aim to combat anxiety in older adults and improve quality of life.
Currently, we are recruiting older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Dementia & their care partners for a research study about anxiety.
Participants must be aged 60 or older and be able to use a computer or smartphone. Care partners must be 18 or older. Participation will be confidential and participants will be financially compensated for their time.
If you or someone you know may be interested in participating in this study, or if you would like more information please give us a call at:
Read the press release about the study by clicking here
Despite increased attention and efforts, the rate of suicide in the military has increased in recent years. This has led many to suggest that novel and innovative approaches to suicide prevention are needed. Funding from U.S Army, the Military Suicide Research Consortium (MSRC), and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) provided us with an opportunity to develop and test brief, skill-based interventions to reduce risk for suicide: Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment (CAST) & Building Stronger Alliances (BSA).
We have now completed five clinical trials focused on reducing risk (anxiety/stress sensitivity) and one large clinical trial focused on reducing perceived burdensomeness/thwarted belongingness. Reductions in risk are considerable and durable, with reductions lasting as long as two years. Additional benefits include improvements in general anxiety/mood, PTSD, and TBI symptoms. From a cost/benefit perspective, CAST/BSA are viable options that can be utilized within broader suicide prevention systems.

The Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinical at FSU is currently recruiting participants for a new study evaluating a mobile-phone based treatment (RISE-Guide) for adult women who have experienced sexual assault within the past year. Eligible participants for the study will be asked to complete a few questionnaires about their current symptoms, the computerized RISE treatment via smartphone, a short interview about their impressions of the treatment, and one brief online follow-up survey two weeks after their lab appointment. Participants will not be asked to discuss any details of the assault, only how it has affected them since. All information will be kept confidential.
If you are interested or would like more information, please call us at 850-645-1766.