Insomnia is a sleep disorder defined by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Although everyone experiences these problems from time to time, for those with insomnia, these problems become almost nightly occurrences, and are often accompanied by daytime problems. For example, many people with insomnia feel fatigued during the day, have trouble concentrating, feel irritable, stressed, and have trouble doing their work. Insomnia is also linked to worsening in mood, anxiety symptoms, and physical health.
Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you wake up early and can't get back to sleep? Do your sleep problems bother you? Do your sleep problems interfere with your daily functioning (e.g., feeling fatigued, difficulty functioning at work, concentrating, and remembering things, or affect your mood)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have insomnia disorder. Insomnia disorder is diagnosed with an interview which rules out other sleep disorders.
Insomnia is treated with two main approaches: medication and cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). CBT-I is a brief psychological treatment that may be more effective at treating insomnia in the long-term compared to medications. You will learn how to change your thoughts and behaviors related to sleep to help you improve your sleep. For more information on treatments available at our clinic, please see the Treatment web page. Please, email us at abhcfsu@psy.fsu.edu or call at (850) 645-1766 for more information.