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Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Randomized Clinical Trial of a Brief, Anxiety Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment/mild Alzheimer’s Disease and their Care Providers. NIH-NIA. RO1AG077569-01A1 (1/12023-12/31/2027). Total award: $3,752,501.


Li, W (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Deficient Inhibition Underlies Salience Network Hyperactivity in Stress and Anxiety (1R21MH126479-01A1). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (02/2022-01/2024).


Joiner, T. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Privacy-preserving Analytics for Recognizing the Signs of an Elevated Risk for Suicide (FA8222-21-C-0003). Funded by Aptima, Inc. (06/2021-08/2023).

Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Combating Social Isolation in Older Adults: Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Acceptability and Efficacy of a Brief, Technology Delivered Intervention (2021372). Funded by the Retirement Research Foundation (06/2022-05/2023).


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Novel Anxiety Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Funded by the Institute for Successful Longevity at Florida State University (05/2022-05/2023).


Li, W. (PI), Schmidt, N.B (Co-I). A Neurosensory Account of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (1R01MH132209-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (12-2022-11/2027).


Ahn, H. (PI), Miao, H. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Pain-related Brain Mechanisms for Pain Catastrophizing Behavior in Response to Home-based Mindfulness-based Meditation Paired with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (3R01NR019051-03W1). Funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) (09/2022-09/2023).


Graduate Student Funding

Garcia, J. R. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), & Hermiller, M. (Co-sponsor) The relationship between framing and hypervigilance in ambiguous situations (5T32MH093311-13). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health Integrated Clinical Neuroscience Training for Translational Research; predoctoral fellowship (08/2024-08/2026). Total award: ($30,224).


Bedford, C.E. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), Nee, D.E. (Co-Sponsor). Testing a Causal Model of Cognitive Control Deficits in PTSD: a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study (2T32MH093311-11). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Institutional Training Grant (T32; 08/2022-08/2024).


Morabito, D.M. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), & Hajcak, G. (Co-Sponsor). A Multi-Method Investigation of Tonic Immobility and Implications for Trauma-Related Disorders (1F31MH129074). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (07/2022-07/2024).



Ordered by date awarded:


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Long Term Followup of the DARTS MSRC Project. (W81XWH-10-2-018). Funded by Military Suicide Research Consortium (01/2018-01/2019). Total award $150,000.


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Development and Evaluation of a Web Application Targeting Interpersonal Risk Factors for Suicide. (W81XWH-10-2-018). Funded by Military Suicide Research Consortium (01/2018-01/2021). Total award: $1,500,000.


Schmidt, N.B. (Co-PI) and Li, (Co-PI). (08/2015-09/2016). Perceptual retraining for suicide. Funded by the Military Suicide Research Council. Subaward of U.S. Army award W81XWH-10-2-018.


Cougle, J. R. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Computerized anger-reduction treatment for smoking cessation (1R34DA035944-01A1). Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. (10/2014–09/2017).


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Distinguished Investigator Grant: Suicide Risk Prevention among Patients with Anxiety Psychopathology. Funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (DIG-0-030-12). (10/2013-09/2015).


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Development and Evaluation of a Brief, Suicide Prevention Intervention Targeting Anxiety and Mood Vulnerabilities. Funded by the Military Suicide Research Council. Subaward of U.S. Army award W81XWH-10-2-018. (05/2013-05/2016). Total award: ($1,720,000).


Schmidt, N.B. (PI). Development and Evaluation of a Brief, Suicide Prevention Intervention Reducing Anxiety Sensitivity. Funded by the Military Suicide Research Council. Subaward of U.S. Army award W81XWH-10-2-018 (09/2011-08/2012).

Ruggerio, K. (PI), and Schmidt, N.B. (Consultant). Development and evaluation of a web-based intervention for disaster victims. (R34 MH77149-01A1). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (10/2007-09/2010).


Zvolensky, M. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (PI). A Smoking-Based Prevention Program for Panic Disorder-Diversity Supplement (RO1 MH076629-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (04/2007-04/2013).

Gerend, M. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Mentor and Co-PI). Anxiety Based Smoking Treatment(07KN-05). Funded by the James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program (07/2007-12/2010). 

Cromer, K. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Co-PI). A prevention program for postpartum OC symptoms. Funded by the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation (07/2007-12/2009). 

Wagner, R. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Predicting and Preventing the Development of Learning Disabilities (P50 HD052120). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (04/2006-04/2011). 

Kenrick, D.T. (PI), Maner, J. (Co-I) and Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Fundamental Goals and Social Perception. (RO1 MH064734-04a1). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (01/2006-04/2012). 

Lejuez, C. (PI), and Schmidt, N.B. (Consultant). Behavioral technologies for predicting HIV risk(R01 DA018647-S2).  Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (09/2005-06/2010). 

Maner, J. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Co-I). Fundamental Motives and Risky Decision-Making (RO3 MH72848) Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (07/2005-06/2007).


Graduate Student Funding

Mathes, B.M. (PI), & Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). A Multi-Method Investigation of Mechanisms of Attachment in Hoarding Disorder (1F31MH118874-01A1). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (04/2019-04/2021). Total award: $73,646.


Albanese, B. (PI), & Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Repeated Traumatic Brain Injuries and Problematic Cannabis Use: An Electrophysiological Investigation of Potential Mechanisms (1F31DA044710-01A1). Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (03/2018-03/2021). Total award: $109,485.


Boffa, J. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), & Li, W. (Co-Sponsor). Gene Methylation effects following Traumatic Stress (T32MH093311-05). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health Integrated Clinical Neuroscience Training for Translational Research; predoctoral fellowship (08/2017-08/2020). Total award: ($45,840).


Albanese, B. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), & Li, W. (Co-Sponsor). Brain Injury and Traumatic Stress: An Investigation of Neurophysiological Mechanisms (T32MH093311-05). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health Integrated Clinical Neuroscience Training for Translational Research; predoctoral fellowship (08/2016-08/2018). Total award: ($45,840).


Macatee, R.J. (PI), Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor), & Cougle, J.R. (Co-Sponsor). Computerized Intervention for Distress Intolerance (1 F31 DA039644-01). Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (04/2016-04/2019). Total award: ($140,635).


Allan, N. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Efficacy of an Anxiety Sensitivity Physical Concerns Intervention on Biomarkers (1 F31 MH105067-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (10/2014-9/2016). Total award ($75,248).


Korte, K. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Transdiagnostic Preventative Intervention for Subclinical Anxiety (1F31MH102862-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (10/2013-9/2015). Total award ($68,014).


Capron, D. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Computerized Intervention for Anxiety Sensitivity Cognitive Concerns (F31MH099860). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (7/2013-7/2015). Total award ($68,012).


Keough, M. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Refinement and Examination of a Brief Anxiety Sensitivity Focused Intervention (1F31 MH086174-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (5/2009-5/2010). Total award ($65,002).


Cromer, K. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Vulnerability Factors for Compulsive Hoarding (F31 MH080467-01A1-01). Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (9/2007-8/2009). Total award ($59,020).


Buckner, J. (PI) and Schmidt, N.B. (Sponsor). Social Anxiety and Problematic Cannabis Use (F31 DA021457-01). Funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse; NRSA predoctoral fellowship (9/2006-5/2008). Total award ($63,728).

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